Naming Your Project

Helix QAC is designed to integrate with code projects that already exist. For this reason, a Helix QAC Project Location is the path to the folder containing the Helix QAC project (refer to Project Location).

Generally, a code base is made up of many smaller sub-projects, components and/or modules that are buildable entities in themselves. Not all sub-projects require the exact same configuration and, just as organizing your code base into smaller cohesive subprojects helps to manage the code base, the same is true for your analysis projects. You are therefore advised to treat the root directory of each cohesive, buildable entity as a separate Helix QAC project, to which a different CCT (Compiler Compatibility Template) can be applied as required.

Naming a new project from QA·GUI:

  • Project menu : New Project : Project Name:

Naming a new project from QA·CLI:

    qacli project create --qaf-project <directory> --cct <file> --acf <file> --rcf <file>

If you are using either QA·Visual Studio or QA·Eclipse, your project name will be automatically set to the location for your project or solution.

To create a project in QA·Visual Studio, access the following menu item:

  • Helix QAC menu : Admin : Create/Sync Project

The same can be done in QA·Eclipse by accessing the right-click menu on your project of choice and clicking on the following menu item:

  • Helix QAC sub-menu : Convert to Helix QAC Project

It is not currently possible to create a Helix QAC project from within the Visual Studio Code extension. The project should be created using either QA CLI or QA GUI as described above.